Lighthouse School

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What does English learning look like?

English is how students can connect and communicate with the world. Effective English skills increases our students’ community access, relationships, ability to learn independently and self-advocate effectively. English is the key to ensure your child is fully equipped to succeed in their next destinations. This could be Entry Level skills so that students can communicate clearly in real life scenarios, or gaining a GCSE in English that can open so many doors for them. Cross curricular links are made throughout the curriculum. Reading, writing, speaking and listening are not just for the English classroom, they are part of everyday life and therefore embedded in all curriculum subjects.

What will my child learn in each Key Stage? Key Stage 3 focuses on fostering a love of English for your child with engaging and enriching topics. We teach a range of text types both fiction and non-fiction that incorporate writing to inform, entertain and persuade. Our choice of books are continually evolving but can be found on the long term plan. We have carefully selected books that are suited each group’s academic ability, engaging and related to our students. For example, ‘Championing Neurodiversity’ explored through the books Goldfish Boy, The Invisible Boy and Through the Eyes of Us. In Key Stage 4 and 5 your child will begin preparation for their exams, where we work on exam readiness skills. We offer Entry Level Functional Skills (1-3), GCSE English Language 2.0 (1-9) in and English Language and Literature GCSE (1-9). We build upon previous learning from KS3 and apply it to your child’s chosen qualification. Preparation for Adulthood is also embedded in the curriculum to teach your child to apply their English skills to real life situations for example, job interviews, form filling and presenting information. Reading a huge focus for the whole school and we incorporate reading sessions and library time within English lessons for all students. In addition to classroom learning, we also provide those students who need it with reading and writing interventions. We use Fresh Start phonics or Alpha to Omega depending on the individual student’s needs. We are currently delivering an Oracy Project which works closely with the SaLT team to support students in developing their presentation skills, this can be presenting information and speeches in class, interview techniques and holding a conversation. SaLT is embedded into the English curriculum. Explicit teaching of vocabulary is taught at the beginning of the topic and key words are revisited throughout the lessons. For some groups, we also offer coteaching between the English teacher and SaLT teacher.

How will my child be assessed? Your child will complete a Reading Age and Spelling Age assessment at the beginning of each academic year. We group students supports us in ensuring students are in the correct group based on their academic ability. Your child will also be assessed termly, using teacher assessments such as quizzes, end of topic assessments and practice assessments. Students in KS4 and 5 will take their respective exams when we feel they are ready to take them. In most instances, students sit their exams at the end of the second year of starting their course.

English Curriculum:

Subject Topic Key Stage Year Level Linked Subject
English Fiction - Championing Neurodiversity - Goldfish Boy, The Invisible Boy, Through The Eyes Of Us KS3 1 All Wellbeing
English Fiction - Adventure Stories - Choose Your Own Adventure KS3 1 All Computing
English Non-Fiction - Sell It To Me - Radio adverts/Tickets/Leaflets KS3 1 All Future Skills, Maths
English Non-Fiction - Biographies KS3 1 All Geography, History, RE
English Poetry - Performance Poetry (Tomfoolery, Joseph Coelho, Michael Rosen) KS3 1 All Music
English Speaking and Listening - This Is Me KS3 1 All SaLT
English Fiction - Myths and Legends - Brother’s Grimm/Greek or Roman Myths and Legends KS3 2 All History
English Fiction - Stories With A Theme - Private Peaceful, Peter in Peril, A Boy and the Jaguar KS3 2 All Engineering. Computing
English Non-Fiction - Make It Happen - Change the Community and your Dream School KS3 2 All Citizenship, RSHE
English Non-Fiction - This Is How We Do It - Recipes and Explanations KS3 2 All Food Tech
English Poetry - Poems With A Theme - War and Space Poetry KS3 2 All History, Science
English Speaking and Listening - Prepare for the Future KS3 2 All SaLT, Future Skills
English Fiction - Historical Fiction -  Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Beowulf, Stone Age Boy KS3 3 All History
English Fiction - Science Fiction - The Arrival, Gamer, Beegu

KS3 3 All Science
English Non-Fiction - Plan It, Do It! - Change The World/Plan A Party KS3 3 All Citizenship, RSHE
English Non-Fiction - Read All About It! - Newspapers and Fake News/CSI Project KS3 3 All Citizenship, RSHE, Science
English Poetry - All The Rhyme and All The Reason - Musical Lyrics KS3 3 All Music
English Speaking and Listening - Democracy KS3 3 All SaLT, Citizenship, RSHE
English Fiction - Charlie and The Chocolate Factory - Reading Comprehension KS4 1 Entry Level Food Tech
English Fiction - Hacker (Malorie Blackman) - Audience and Purpose KS4 1 Entry Level RSHE, Geography, Computing
English Non-Fiction - Have You ‘Maga’ Seen It Magazine - Article and Reviews KS4 1 Entry Level RSHE, Food Tech
English Non-Fiction - Giving Instructions - Oral and Written Instructions KS4 1 Entry Level
English Work and Careers - Emails/Letters KS4 1 Entry Level Future Skills
English Speech and Language - Presentations KS4 1 Entry Level SaLT
English Fiction - Wonder by R J Palacio - Tone & Mood KS4 2 Entry Level Wellbeing
English Fiction - Until Proven Guilty by Nigel Hinton - Structural Layout KS4 2 Entry Level
English Non-Fiction - Theme Park - Letter Writing KS4 2 Entry Level
English Non-Fiction - Destination Unknown - Holiday Brochures & Reviews KS4 2 Entry Level
English CSI Plus Project KS4 2 Entry Level Science
English Speech and Language - Presentations KS4 2 Entry Level SaLT
English Animal Farm KS4 1 GCSE History
English Frankenstein KS4 1 GCSE History, Science
English Building Blocks KS4 1 GCSE
English Creative Writing KS4 1 GCSE
English Macbeth KS4 2 GCSE History
English Conflict Poetry KS4 2 GCSE History
English Essay Writing KS4 2 GCSE Citizenship, Future Skills
English Writing for a Range of Purposes KS4 2 GCSE Future Skills
English Fiction - Harry Potter - Purpose and Audience KS5 1 Entry Level
English Fiction - The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q, Raul - Tone and Mood KS5 1 Entry Level RSHE, Citizenship
English Non-Fiction - PFA - The World of Independence KS5 1 Entry Level Life Skills
English Non-Fiction - PFA - The World of Further Education - Letters and Applications KS5 1 Entry Level Future Skills
English Non-Fiction - PFA - The World of Outings and Adventures KS5 1 Entry Level Future Skills, Community
English Speech and Language - Presentations KS5 1 Entry Level SaLT
English Fiction - Mr. Stink - Structural Layout KS5 2 Entry Level
English Fiction - Holes - Reading Comprehension KS5 2 Entry Level RSHE
English Non-Fiction - PFA - The World of Social Lives - Emails, Online Forms, Bookings KS5 2 Entry Level Future Skills
English Non-Fiction - PFA - The World of Employment - CVs, Cover Letters KS5 2 Entry Level Future Skills
English Non-Fiction - PFA - The World of Travel - Reviews and Articles KS5 2 Entry Level Geography
English Speech and Language - Presentations KS5 2 Entry Level SaLT
English Animal Farm KS5 1 GCSE History
English Frankenstein KS5 1 GCSE History, Science
English Building Blocks KS5 1 GCSE
English Creative Writing KS5 1 GCSE
English Macbeth KS5 2 GCSE History
English Conflict Poetry KS5 2 GCSE History
English Essay Writing KS5 2 GCSE Citizenship, Future Skills
English Writing for a Range of Purposes KS5 2 GCSE Future Skills