Lighthouse School

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Home Learning

Research shows that homework can have a significant role in reinforcing classroom learning, promoting independent thinking, and developing good study habits. At Lighthouse, we have seen how home learning can develop revision skills that support with achieving higher grades in qualifications. We also believe it will prepare students  for future study programmes where they may be expected to do additional work outside of the class.

However, we also recognise that home learning can be a source of stress and frustration for some students and families. We are aware of the negative associations and experiences many students and families have historically had with ‘homework’.

As a result, we have developed the following Home Learning policy:

• Home Learning will not be compulsory. Students are encouraged to complete their home learning, but they will not be penalised if they choose not to do so.
• Home Learning will be meaningful and relevant to the curriculum. Students will receive English and Maths learning activities each week. This may focus on key skills (spelling, times tables – if necessary) or revision of prior learning. Other subjects will provide work on a regular basis.
• Home Learning will be manageable, balanced, and easy to follow. Students will not be given an excessive amount of work, and they will have time in school to complete work if necessary. Students are highly encouraged to complete the work as independently as possible.
• Learning will focus on recall and revision of previously taught content - not new concepts. This will avoid differential learning levels in lessons - meaning students who cannot complete a piece of work are not negatively impacted in their next lesson.