At Lighthouse School we firmly believe that all students benefit from regular school attendance. The aim of this guidance is to minimise the amount of time lost due to absence in order to maximise the educational potential of every student. This can be achieved with the support of parents by ensuring absence, including holidays, is not taken during term time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’.
At Lighthouse School, in order for an attendance record to be deemed good, it must be 96% or above:
- 100% Excellent Attendance
- 98% Very Good Attendance
- 96% Good Attendance
Each year, a number of students from every year group achieve 100% attendance, emphasising that it is an achievable target. Some achieve this level of attendance year upon year. Absence during term time, for any reason, interrupts a student’s education and risks disrupting their educational progress.
Students and their families should aim for 100% attendance, The Department for Education state good attendance is 95% or better.
Students with:
- 85% attendance are missing 1 1/2 days of education every fortnight.
- 85% and below are classified as Persistent Absentees
- 80% attendance all the way through secondary school is the equivalent of missing a whole year of education.
Informing the School of Absence
Student absence should be reported to school via the main school telephone number (0113 457 0605) before 8.00am, giving the reason for absence. The school will record this information on the young person’s record. It is the parent/carers responsibility to inform transport of the absence.
This process must also be followed for each consecutive day of absence unless school is in receipt of a medical certificate
If a student has not arrived in school by 9:15 and no communication has been received, the school will attempt to contact parents/carers using the emergency contact numbers held on our school system and if appropriate contact the child’s transport services. It is important that parents/carers inform school if there are any changes in these details during the school year.
To support you in deciding if your young person is too ill to attend school, please access the NHS link: