Lighthouse School

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Our vision and ethos, manifested in our values, is translated into a curriculum built on 4 cornerstones:

  • Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • Speech, Language and Communication,
  • Wellbeing and Emotional Literacy
  • Skills & Experience and preparation for adulthood.. 

Cornerstones diagram

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning:

Built on ambition, versatility, and innovation, we deliver learning ambitious in breadth and depth, offering all subjects one would expect at a mainstream school, as well as those delivered to support the needs of our students. Our lessons are lessons are tailored to different abilities and interests, allowing us to promote individual ambition and interest.


 Wellbeing and Emotional Literacy

We provide holistic, student -centred interventions, which enables engagement in learning, and supports students to understand their diagnosis. Students learn to manage their emotions, and advocate for themselves, which promotes positive mental health. All staff will be trained in wellbeing strategies to ensure integration within the provision.


Speech, Language and Communication:

As experienced providers, we recognise that fundamental skills in communication and expression are vital for accessing education, both academic and vocational training, as well as developing important social and emotional skills and habits.


Skills & Experience and preparation for adulthood.:

Our students receive tailored support in developing the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to go on to access vocational training, employment, and active participation in daily life.

Our teaching philosophy is built around our students. As such, we employ versatile teaching strategies to meet the needs and interests of individuals, including programmes such as individualised learning projects, modular lesson structures, and replicating typical ‘college’ experiences. The holistic development of students is prioritised. Multi-cultural and community-oriented learning events help students explore identity. Teaching our students life skills gives them the knowledge to keep themselves safe and happy.