Post 16 Offer
Lighthouse School 6th Form Offer
In Key Stage 5, we provide a highly effective personalised curriculum and a rigorous transition process to support every student to access their chosen next destination successfully. Our ‘destination-led’ ethos, principles and practices result in incredible outcomes for our Sixth Formers. We pride ourselves on not having any NEET students - all of our students have successfully transitioned into sustainable next provisions and pathways.
Careers education is a key part of the Lighthouse curriculum from Year 7, but this fundamental to the Post-16 provision. All students participate in multiple timetabled work and college experiences across a range of sectors. This includes working as groundspeople, working in Leeds market, accessing college courses at Leeds City College, participating in the ‘World of Work’ Programme, etc… With these experiences, there is a significant emphasis on generalising and applying the academic and life skills students have developed. This is something a large proportion of Lighthouse students find challenging, but with this integrated approach – we have had a significant amount of success. Students can apply their learning, are more independent, and are better prepared for their next steps as a result of these experiences.
Our Sixth Form students access Maths and English (with an additional focus on Preparation for Adulthood) as well as a wide range of vocational and practical options from Pre-Entry Level up to Level 1/2 (GCSE or GCSE equivalent) in all subjects, and Level 3 (A-Level equivalent) in some subjects. More details of the subjects offered can be found on our Curriculum page. In addition to this, all of our Sixth Form students have regular Speech, Language & Communication lessons as well as Wellbeing, PHSCE, RSE, PE, Community Skills, Life Skills and Future Skills/Work Experience sessions.
We work closely in partnership with a range of organisations including employers, FE colleges, HE institutions, charities and training providers to ensure the curriculum is challenging, engaging, and clearly linked to the students’ futures. Lighthouse School’s bespoke, student-centred approach to planning, timetabling and support results in the best possible opportunities and experiences for our students and the firmest foundations in preparation for adulthood.
The majority of our places are already allocated to existing Lighthouse School students, moving from Year 11 to Sixth Form. There may be a small number of places available to students from other settings. Sixth Form provides a smooth continuation of learning and skills development from students’ Pre-16 attainments. The provision is full-time, mirroring the school day and timetabling of lower school. Whether students choose to stay with us in Sixth Form for one, two or three years (Years 12, 13, 14) we build a timetable around their transition plan and their and their families to achieve and progress. Our post-school transition support and Alumni Network means that the door is never closed to students who leave. We love nothing more than welcoming our Lighthouse School Graduates and their families back into school to share their ‘Life after Lighthouse’ success stories and inspire us all!
16-19 Bursary
Lighthouse School Leeds Bursary Policy