Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)
What does Speech & Language Therapy (SaLT) look like at Lighthouse School?
Our vision is to create an environment where autistic children and young people can thrive and where their authentic communication is valued, understood, and accepted. We work tirelessly to ensure that your child can develop their autonomy and advocacy skills in order to best prepare them for adulthood and their next destination.
Every student that attends Lighthouse School has the potential to learn and succeed in their own life, regardless of the barriers they may encounter. They have the right to communicate, and be communicated with, in a way that is accessible to them.
Every student with communication needs will access appropriate therapeutic support and advice. They will be supported to enhance their communication, emotional wellbeing and the SaLT team will provide advice, resources and advocacy to support your child to overcome their communication challenges.
Every student will receive the support needed to reach their goals so that they can achieve happiness and personal accomplishment. The SaLT team will work collaboratively with all Lighthouse School cornerstones to ensure SaLT approaches are effectively embedded.
How will my child be assessed?
Your child will complete a baseline SaLT assessment to determine the level of support they require. If your child achieves a score within the average range and there are no concerns identified, they will receive the school’s universal offer. This focuses on empowering and up-skilling all school staff to facilitate, support and optimise the development of speech, language and communication skills with oversight from the SaLT team.
Should your child achieve a score that indicates mild to borderline Speech, Language & Communication Needs (SLCN), further assessments and recommendations will be completed. Targeted interventions will be established with the support of the SaLT team and thereafter, may continue to be SaLT led or maintained by designated school staff with support.
A score indicating moderate to severe SLCN will necessitate a detailed assessment, a comprehensive report and direct input from the SaLT team, this may include joint delivery of interventions or ongoing oversight from SaLT.
Your child’s level of support may change throughout their time at Lighthouse School depending on their needs and the progress they make.